On Tue, 27 Feb 2024 10:35:20 GMT, Magnus Ihse Bursie <i...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> It seems correct to include the output dir in the remapping, but I have two 
>> objections/questions to the way you are doing it.
>> 1) Why not just use OUTPUTDIR instead of the two specialized subdirs? That 
>> is simpler, more general and future-proof.
>> 2) Why not expand the value of the OUTPUTDIR variable? I.e.  
>>  ```
>> instead of trying to preserve it as a variable to be expanded in the make 
>> execution.
> Also, this mapping business is getting really convoluted. :-( I did not like 
> it as it was, and this patch makes it even worse. I think we need to rewrite 
> this to create some kind of dict/map, and then iterate over the map and apply 
> `-fdebug-prefix-map` to all items in the map. Unfortunately, the data 
> structures available in shell scripts is limited and will make this a bit 
> tricky to pull off. :(

@magicus thank you for the tip, it works nicely, ready for re-review please


PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/18009#discussion_r1504103093

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