On Tue, 12 Mar 2024 15:07:15 GMT, Magnus Ihse Bursie <i...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>>> Is Open XL C/C++ considered a compiler or more akin to a development 
>>> environment like Xcode is for macOS? Depending on which, we could just say 
>>> clang is the compiler for AIX without needing to say that Open XL is 
>>> treated like clang, etc
>> You are raising a good point. Our current concept of "toolchain" is not 
>> working as smoothly as it should be. We should probably split it into 
>> "toolchain environment" (or whatever), like Xcode or Open XL, and "toolchain 
>> compiler" (like clang), and/or possibly also some concept of "toolchain sdk".
>> The work you are doing of untangling Windows from Visual Studio would 
>> probably influence such a redesign, seeing what part of the Windows 
>> adaptions which arise from cl, and which are constant given that you compile 
>> for windows (like the Windows SDK).
>> But this is a more architectural issue that will need to be resolved in 
>> another PR, and probably discussed quite a bit beforehand.
>> why did this remove the link to the Supported Build Platforms page?
> You make it sound like it is a bad thing, but in fact I promoted the AIX 
> build to be of the same status as all other platforms. I cowardly did not put 
> anything specific about the AIX build in the readme before, but just referred 
> to the wiki. Now I decided we should actually treat this as a proper platform 
> and describe the compiler version in the readme, since it is checked in 
> configure, just like all other platforms.
> There is still a link to the Supported Build Platforms wiki page in the 
> general part of the readme.

> It is clang 15 not 13. Clang 13 was in 17.1.0

Thanks! Fixed.


PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/18172#discussion_r1521646622

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