On Fri, 7 Jun 2024 19:01:45 GMT, Sonia Zaldana Calles <szald...@openjdk.org> 

> Hi all, 
> This PR addresses [8333685](https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8333685). 
> I have added the following enhancements: 
> - Removed uses of `fgrep` and `egrep` with `grep -F` and `grep -E` 
> respectively. 
> - Altered default behaviour to limit the processed changesets to those in the 
> current branch and the current year. 
> - Enabled an option to modify all changesets in the year if desired (this was 
> the previous default behaviour). 
> - Added named parameters and enabled `--help`.
> - Removed mercurial support. 
> - Fixed a bug where copyright headers that didn't have a comma following the 
> initial year of creation were not getting picked up. For example, 
> [here](https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/blob/512b2b4f141f9a202984150b0427372e1a409a50/src/hotspot/cpu/zero/copy_zero.hpp#L3).
> - Fixed a bug where copyright headers missing the copyright symbol (c) were 
> not getting picked up. Refer to the example above as well. 
> Thanks, 
> Sonia

Thanks for tackling this.

When it will work, it will be very useful, but so far I did not get it to work 
on my Mac m1.

It identifies the commits correctly that are part of the delta to master, as it 
should. But it does not modify any copyrights. I tracked this down to the sed's 
in updateFile not doing anything.

I tried the script on this branch: 
https://github.com/tstuefe/jdk/tree/do-some-stuff-in-aix and called the script 
without command line args. It should have found and fixed the Oracle copyrights 
in osThread_aix.xxx

For reference, this is how the expanded sed arguments look like:

s@(Copyright ((c) )?[12][0-9][0-9][0-9],) [12][0-9][0-9][0-9], Oracle@\1 2024, 
s@(Copyright ((c) )?[12][0-9][0-9][0-9],) Oracle@\1 2024, Oracle@
s@(Copyright ((c) )?[12][0-9][0-9][0-9]) Oracle@\1, 2024, Oracle@
s@Copyright 2024, 2024, Oracle@Copyright 2024, Oracle@
s@Copyright (c) 2024, 2024, Oracle@Copyright (c) 2024, Oracle@


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/19605#issuecomment-2160035105

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