On Tue, 16 Jul 2024 08:21:04 GMT, Andrew Haley <a...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> This is starting to sound like we need a policy decision, because we don't 
> want to re-hash this discussion every time the question comes up, as it 
> surely will. 

+1 to this if we don't already have one

While I haven't read through every comment in this thread in this specific case 
I generally agree with what @theRealAph has said in some of his earlier 
comments. My primary concern is that the generated code in there is currently 
effectively unreviewable in terms of checking for potential vulnerabilities so 
I also feel it's best to check in the whole (reviewable) source if this PR is 
to be accepted. Much as I dislike repository bloat I think it's a fairly easy 
decision in this case IMHO with SLEEF being 7.5MB in size when the openjdk 
codebase is so large.

An alternative "absolute minimum" would be to reference the GitHub SHA of the 
SLEEF source and include the process for regenerating it reproducibly so that 
this information is available to anyone who wanted to verify it. With my 
distributor (Temurin) hat on either of those solutions would mean we have the 
original source referenced for inclusion in the product SBOM to track the 
supply chain. I'll also note that I'm also making an assumption here that the 
generated code from SLEEF is reproducible and not sensitive to the build 
environment like the CDS archives - I have not tried building them myself to 
verify but I feel that is important to understand before merging the generated 

As a project should also consider whole issue of ensuring that we have 
sufficient trust from a supply-chain perspective on the SLEEF source ... I have 
no specific reason to distrust it but it might be good to understand how well 
reviewed it is before doing this as it's not a project I'm personally familiar 

_On a slightly separate note (and I see @luhenry is in this comment thread too 
and has contributed to SLEEF) it will be good if this can be used to enhance 
the performance on RISC-V too in the future ;-)_


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/18605#issuecomment-2230569814

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