
We're going to be migrating the following hosts off of oslsw1 onto a newer,
more stable switch:

   - alpine-p9
   - arm2.xiph
   - catfish.xiph
   - cherry (vpn/backend router)
   - civicrm-sushi
   - civicrm1
   - civicrm2
   - enlightenment2
   - freedesktop-sdk-cache
   - gcc111
   - gcc186
   - hostfish.xiph
   - mf4.xiph
   - mipsel-osuosl-01.debian
   - mipsel-osuosl-04.debian
   - mysql1
   - openwrt-osuosl-host-02
   - oph1
   - oph2
   - osgeo-backup
   - osgeo8
   - osgeo9
   - osuosl1-amd64.reproducible
   - osuosl2-amd64.reproducible
   - osuosl2-amd64.reproducible
   - osuosl3.fedoraproject
   - p8-aix2
   - p9-aix1
   - power9-devref.freebsd
   - sncdev
   - stormfly-03.osm
   - sw1-dell15 (OOB switch)
   - sw1-dell18 (Gentoo OOB switch)
   - util
   - vlc10.xiph
   - vlc11.xiph
   - vm3.drupal
   - watson.debian

The expected outage per host should last no more than 30 seconds in most
cases. If you would like to have a more precise time to do the migration,
please send an email to with the subject: "oslsw1
migration: <host>" and please give us a time you would like the change to
be made. Please let us know by the end of tomorrow.

We plan to get all of these done on Thursday, June 29th but we will also
schedule June 30th in case we need to run over.

This will complete part of the migration off two of the three expander
switches connected by oslsw1. The remaining switch move will happen at a
later date once we set up a replacement switch.

Thank you for your patience!

Lance Albertson
Oregon State University | Open Source Lab
Hosting mailing list

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