Thanks for the feedback, Ismael… and good to hear 😉


From: Ismael Juma <>
Date: Friday, 20 October 2023 at 17:39
To: <>
Subject: [External] : Re: JDK 21 Is Now GA, a New VS Code Extension, and an 
Annotation Processing Heads-up
Hi David,

> so may I ask you to send me a brief email with the Java 21 support status
of your project(s): Already supported - Plan to support short-term - Don't
plan to support short-term ?

Apache Kafka: Java 21 is supported in trunk and will be part of the
upcoming 3.7.0 release.


On Fri, Oct 20, 2023 at 2:37 AM David Delabassee <> wrote:

> Greetings!
> JDK 21 has been released (General Availability) on September 19th as
> planned. You can find "The Arrival of Java 21" announcement here [1], and
> some additional Java 21 materials in the "Topics of Interest" section
> below. On behalf of the entire Java team, let me send our thanks to all of
> you. Through your active participation in this program, you are helping
> shape the Java platform!
> Needless to say, that Java 21 is an important release, so may I ask you to
> send me a brief email with the Java 21 support status of your project(s):
> Already supported - Plan to support short-term - Don't plan to support
> short-term ?
> And now that JDK 21 is out, let's shift our attention to JDK 22 which will
> enter the Rampdown Phase in less than 50 days on December 7 [2].
> I want to conclude this update by briefly mentioning three different
> initiatives to are relevant to this group as they are, in their own way and
> at various levels, contributing to adopt newer Java releases more rapidly:
> the Class-File API, Oracle's Java Platform extension for VS Code, and the
> Java Playground.
> ### The Class-File API
> The Class-File API is a new standard API for parsing, generating, and
> transforming Java class files. One of its unique aspects is that it will
> co-evolve with the class-file format, which overtime will greatly reduce
> the friction of implementing new class-file features. With the fast-paced
> evolution of the Java platform, this was much-needed. This API should soon
> be previewed and as it matures, we expect the JDK to switch from using
> various custom class-file libraries to this standard API. We also expect
> that overtime frameworks relying on bytecode manipulation will also benefit
> from using this new JDK class-file library. For more information, please
> check this recent Newscast [3] for an overview, Brian Goetz's JVMLS session
> [4] for more details and design considerations, and JEP 457: Class-File API
> (Preview) [5] for the technical details.
> ### Oracle's Java Platform extension for Visual Studio Code
> Oracle has just announced [6] a new Visual Studio Code extension for Java
> developers. Unlike other VS Code extensions, this new extension is using
> under the hood the `javac` compiler for code editing and compilation, and
> OpenJDK's debugger interface for debugging. This enables us to offer VS
> Code IDE support for new JDK features as soon as they are introduced, even
> during JDK Early Access phases. To this effect, this VS Code Extension will
> support the current JDK releases as well as the next upcoming JDK version.
> For more information, please check the announcement [6].
> ### The Java Playground
> The Java Playground [7] is an online sandbox that helps testing and
> exploring new Java language features. No setup required, just type your
> Java snippet in your browser and run it! Right now, the Playground is using
> Java 21 with Preview Features enabled, and it will switch to a new Java
> version as soon as there is a new Java language features integrated in
> OpenJDK Early-Access builds. The Playground is focusing mostly on Project
> Amber and is certainly not mean to be some sort of a lightweight
> online-IDE, it is instead a learning tool to play with new Java language
> feature shortly after they have been integrated into the platform.
> [1] 
> [2]
> [3] 
> [4] 
> [5]
> [6] 
> [7] 
> ## Heads-Up - JDK 22: Implicit Annotation Processing Behavior Change
> As discussed in the July 2023 Quality Outreach update [8], starting in JDK
> 21 javac emits a note if _implicit_ annotation processing is being used,
> that is, if one or more annotation processors are found and run from the
> class path when no explicit annotation processing configuration options are
> used.
> The note is reported since, quoting from the note text: "A future release
> of javac may disable annotation processing unless at least one processor is
> specified by name (-processor), or a search path is specified
> (--processor-path, --processor-module-path), or annotation processing is
> enabled explicitly (-proc:only, -proc:full)."
> That future version of javac has arrived in JDK 22 b19+ with JDK-8306819
> ("Consider disabling the compiler's default active annotation processing").
> In the situation where a note was emitted in JDK 21, in JDK 22 no note is
> emitted, and annotation processors are *not* run. To restore the previous
> behavior with respect to running annotation processors, add the
> '-proc:full' javac option.
> Feedback on the annotation processing policy change can be sent to
> compiler-dev [9].
> [8]
> [9]
> ## JDK 21 General Availability
> JDK 21, the reference implementation of Java 21, is now Generally
> Available [10]. The OpenJDK GA 21.0.1 builds are available [11], and are
> provided under the GNU General Public License v2, with the Classpath
> Exception. The Release Notes [12] and the Javadocs [13] are also available.
> [10]
> [11] 
> [12] 
> [13]
> ## JavaFX 21 GA Builds & JavaFX 22 EA Builds
> Open-source builds of JavaFX 21 are now Generally Available [14], under
> the GNU General Public License, version 2, with the Classpath Exception.
> The Release Notes [15], and the JavaFX 21 API Javadocs [16] are also
> available.
> The JavaFX runtime is delivered as an SDK and as a set of jmods for each
> platform. You can use the SDK to compile and run JavaFX applications. You
> can use the jmods with jlink to create a JDK that includes the JavaFX
> modules, and optionally, your modular application. JavaFX 21 is designed to
> work with JDK 21, but it is known to work with JDK 17 and later versions.
> In addition, the early access builds of the JavaFX 22 Runtime (builds 12)
> are also available [17]. They enable JavaFX application developers to build
> and test their applications with JavaFX 22 on JDK 22 EA.
> [14] 
> [15]
> [16]
> [17] 
> ## JDK 22 Early-Access Builds
> The latest Early-Access builds 20 (2023/10/19) are available [18], and are
> provided under the GNU General Public License v2, with the Classpath
> Exception. The Release Notes are available here [19].
> Changes in recent JDK 22 builds (b12-b20) that may be of interest:
> (Note that this is only a curated list of changes, make sure to check [20]
> for additional changes.)
> - JDK-8306819: Consider disabling the compiler's default active annotation
> …
> - JDK-8316691: Heap dump: separate stack traces for mounted virtual
> threads …
> - JDK-8317603: Improve exception messages thrown by native
> m…
> - JDK-8312522: Implementation of Foreign Function & Memory API
> - JDK-8296581: Better system proxy support
> - JDK-8316994: Avoid modifying ClassLoader and Module objects during
> -Xshar…
> - JDK-8316970: Add internal annotation to mark restricted methods
> - JDK-8301686: TLS 1.3 handshake fails if server_name doesn't match
> resumin…
> - JDK-8268622: Performance issues in javac Name class
> - JDK-8317246: Cleanup and URLDecoder use of
> file.encod…
> - JDK-8311084: Add typeSymbol() API for applicable constant pool entries
> - JDK-8316229: Enhance class initialization logging
> - JDK-8315771: [JVMCI] Resolution of bootstrap methods with int[] static
> arguments
> - JDK-8316681: Rewrite URLEncoder.encode to use small reusable buffers
> - JDK-8315810: Reimplement
> sun.reflect.ReflectionFactory::newConstructorForSerialization with method
> handles
> - JDK-8296246: Update Unicode Data Files to Version 15.1.0
> - JDK-8316160: Remove
> sun.misc.Unsafe.{shouldBeInitialized,ensureClassInitialized}
> - JDK-8313452: Improve Classfile API attributes handling safety
> - JDK-8314774: Optimize URLEncoder
> - JDK-8246280: Refine API to model sealed classes and interfaces in
> javax.lang.model
> - JDK-8314960: Add Certigna Root CA
> - JDK-8306632: Add a JDK Property for specifying DTD support
> - JDK-8315938: Deprecate for removal Unsafe methods that have standard
> APIs for many releases
> - JDK-8041488: Locale-Dependent List Patterns
> - JDK-8311939: Excessive allocation of Matcher.groups array
> - JDK-8314569: (fs) Improve normalization of UnixPath for input with
> trailing slashes
> - JDK-8314611: Provide more explicative error message parsing Currencies
> - JDK-8315117: Update Zlib Data Compression Library to Version 1.3
> - JDK-8313804: JDWP support for
> - JDK-8316681: Rewrite URLEncoder.encode to use small reusable buffers
> [18] 
> [19] 
> [20] 
> ## New Jextract Early-Access Builds
> Jextract mechanically generates Java bindings from native library headers.
> New Jextract EA builds are now available (Build 21-jextract+1-2
> (2023/9/25)) [21], those EA builds are based on JDK 21 and are intended for
> expert users.
> [21] 
> ## Topics of Interest:
> Java 21… and Beyond - Brian Goetz Devoxx 2023 Keynote
> JDK 21 Security Enhancements
> With Java 21, Your Code Runs Even Faster but How is that Possible?
> My Favorite JDK 21 Feature: Javadoc Search URL
> Upgrading from Java 17 to 21 #RoadTo21
> Java 21 API Changes #RoadTo21
> Java 21 Security #RoadTo21
> Java 21 Tool Enhancements: Better Across the Board #RoadTo21
> Java 21 JVM and GC Improvements #RoadTo21
> Java 21 Brings Full Pattern Matching #RoadTo21
> Java 21 new feature: Virtual Threads #RoadTo21
> G1: Java's Default Garbage Collector
> New candidate JEP: 457: Class-File API (Preview)
> Using JAXB in Custom Ant Tasks on Recent Java Versions
> Java Records are "Trusted" and Consequently Faster
> JVMLS 2023 Keynote
> JVMLS - Project Leyden
> JVMLS - Value Objects in Valhalla
> Complete JVMLS 2023 playlist
> Teaching Old Streams New Tricks
> Support Markdown in javadoc Comments
> Brian Goetz Answers Your Java Questions
> ## October 2023 Critical Patch Update Released
> As part of the October 2023 CPU, Oracle released OpenJDK 21.0.1, JDK
> 21.0.1, JDK 17.0.9 LTS, 11.0.21 LTS, 8u391, and 8u391-perf.
> ~
> PS: Don't forget to update me about your plans related to Java 21.
> Until next time!
> --David

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