Leland writes about the Vineland Map ...having just seen National Treasure (Nicholas Gage  Jon Voight ) this movie must have National  Parks on  code Blue and full alert that every Al Quiada  wanna -be  not to mention glue sniffers will be busting historic stones in Trinity Church looking for the lost Templar treasure ....
Now you what to throw in the Vineland Map ?....didn't anybody  watch the old Abbot and Costello movies  about maps when they were a kid ? .....Speaking of Kidd  the movie went into the Catacombs of Trinity (been there done that ) but they failed to go upstairs ......to the inner Sanctum  , The little room with the 12 chairs ( which yours truly restored the floor) There in the light of the quatrefoil sits Kidds chair (as in Captain)....seems Kidds gift to Trinity got him a chair for life .....(missing treasure indeed ! )
Back to the Vineland Map ( isn't it at Yale?) which makes it suspect in the first place , Wasn't it found on or abouts  the 1000 yr  anniversary   of Eric the Red (not a 60's radical) sometime in the 50's. OR....just about the time the Piltdown man (missing.link ho mid) surfaced in Britain  and then  there was the  discovery of a  Viking Boat off New Jersey ...(Famous loss to Giants ? ... in 67 play offs...?
)...no the last time I heard of the Vineland map Nantucket and Martha 's  VINEYARD   were claiming it as their own ...so you can now go to Edgartown and stay in Eric the Reds B&B and play goofy golf at Nantucket's very own Vikings  Put -Put.....
as John  Houston sr.so eloquently put it  in Treasure of the Sierra Madre ,
"as long as there are suckers there will always be Maps...

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