I advised him that registering for classes was not something a first
semester freshmen should put off to the last moment.  I described some
of the probable consequences, without admitting that at one time or
another I had suffered them all.  His mother agreed with me!  And he of
course ignored us both.

  But, he did report that indeed, the classes he had wanted were with
one exception filled, and the classes he was able to get were all at
inconvenient times.  And it was possible that I and been right, that
some of these problems could have been avoided if he had registered

  But, that was last week.  It was temporary.  I have returned to my
natural state as a candidate for a full body condom.


On Jan 10, 2005, at 3:16 PM, Pamela S. Follett wrote:

Was it something suitable for framing (or framing him with)?

- Pam
----- Original Message -----
From: "John Callan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, January 08, 2005 09:12
Subject: Re: [BP] Dying keyboard

Yesterday, he reluctantly informed me that I had
been correct about something.  I'm was just so darned happy to hear


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