There was an episode on CSI: Miami (which oringally caught my interest
because one of the main characters looks like ][<en) this past fall that was
about a tidal wave hitting Miami.  The special effect, of course, looked
much like this photo rather than the steadily rising waters.  And, of
course, the area afterward was a little too pristine in comparison to the
real deal - not like the producers have ahd a lot of experience.  Anyway,
I've been guessing that episode might not be in the off-season repeats.

- Pam
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bruce Marcham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2005 09:51
Subject: Re: [BP] photo forwarded to me by a registered architect ....

> Nor does the form and magnitude of this wave match eyewitness accounts or
authentic images of the tsunamis that actually struck parts of Thailand,
Indonesia and elsewhere in the Indian Ocean on December 26, 2004. Those
waves didn't crest at a height of twenty storeys and crash down on the
shoreline as depicted here. On the contrary, the waters were described as
rising swiftly and steadily to a maximum height of around 10 meters (less,
in most cases) as they swept relentlessly inland, retreated, and swept
inland again.
> In short, the image above represents someone's fantasy of what a tsunami
looks like, not the real deal - as if the real deal and the devastation it
caused weren't fantastic enough in the first place.

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