In a message dated 3/21/2005 2:00:04 A.M. Central Standard Time, Cuyler writes:
I smell the fresh air and delight in =
the reality of battered playing cards and honourable behaviour.   Maybe =
you have offered us a strategy to solve the current dilemma here.   =
Please send us the magic deck
magic deck is on the way..........many times when crawling around the stone I have wondered what would have happened if I  had stayed in the city  and had got one of those cush jobs at the mob controlled Javits Center or the Museum..with no rain in the face , no dealing with Moe Larry and Curly who when turning with  the shovel... bangs the other in the head.
No  it would be a world of intelligent men (and women) who spoke lyrically of Whitman and Pr oust and would eat at  refined luncheons  on white table cloths wearing ties and white shirts.
As I finish the last of my Subway wearing  splashes of Dijon and crumbs for a tie
I am reminded of a post card I saw stuck on  a interior mud  wall in the Camel trading center of the Sahara .(Douse in far southern Tunisia on the Algerian border)
There in the card was two outdoor cafes , one in Paris   and one in  North Africa  
The one in Paris showed the men dreaming about Palm trees and sitting at an outdoor cafe  in the desert.
The one in North Africa showed the men dreaming about the Eiffel tower and sitting at an outdoor cafe in Paris.........Unless you have a new lover every month there is" no simple life"  we are creatures of habit ;and after the age of 55 we get under our shell ,hold what few cards we got, think ourselves brilliant, and snap our claws at every crustacean above and below us who thinks they have  got it figured out. Py    

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