
It appears to me that there are differences of reception as well by the
Polish in America themselves to the Polish jokes. I believe at one time
you told me about the differences of perceptions, and tensions between
the earlier Polish immigration, mostly working class, and the newer
immigrants many of them educated and in a professional class. John Sr's.
mother, who was Polish, told me more Polish jokes than I will ever need
to remember, and within the experience of that particular family to tell
them a Polish joke causes them to feel extra special and love you all
the more, at least with the more light hearted of them. So one is
actually encouraged to tell Polish jokes.  The other day one of them
called me on my cell phone and I misread their name and said hello to
you... the joke that came from that was on me -- unable to see well
enough to read my cell phone. Wishing that it was you calling? Jokes can
also be used to tease, and I was brought up to understand that teasing
is a form of showing affection (either that or my mother lied to me
because she was tired of hearing me crying for all the teasing I could
not endure), albet it can get a bit out of hand. I don't want Steve
Stolowski to think less of me.

Mississipi joke for Py: "I would you like you to meet my wife and
daughter, Daisy."


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