*Dear Friend,*
*I hope the day is treating well with you, i have requirement for you please
go through it and ig you are comfirtable then send me your updated resume *
*Front End UI .Net developer to sam...@aim-cc.com.*
*Front End UI .Net developer*
*Marshall, MN*
*Duration is 12 months.*
*Rate is up to 45-55/hr maybe 57 for the right person*
*Start date January 3rd *
*Location is Marshall, MN, a small town in southern MN. Marshall is 2 1/2
hours southwest of Minneapolis, MN.  *
*Must be a Front-End UI developer not a back-end developer.*
*Minimum 8+ years exp*
*Need Senior level skills in C# 3.5 framework, ASP.net, CSS, Web
development, HTML. J Query and/or Java Script is preferred*
*Direct : 734 591 3562  Ex. 223*
* *

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