Yahoo! should be enjoying Google-esque world domination, but back in
2002, they blew it. Big time.
They were in perfect position to run the table on paid search engine
placement... but when it was time to deliver the knock-out punch, they
whiffed... and that tiny flinch of hesitation allowed Google to draw
first blood. Now they're playing a desperate game of catch-up -- and
probably will be forever.
Don't cry for them just yet ...
...they're still soundly in 2nd position with about 45% of the search
engine market. But, when it comes to "robbing" the public for paid
search ad bids, Google is the king (and why they treat you like a
But, that's good news for affiliates... because... Just like every
second place company, Yahoo! must try harder. Which means one thing...
...all those PPC Gestapo tactics you're forced to suffer from
Google... simply don't exist at Yahoo!
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