Dear Owners / Agents
Give more exposure to the properties you have for rentals. Register and List your properties *ABSOLUTELY FREE* at We have redesigned our site to a more professional one. Agents can now put their company logo and their own photos. In addition, telephone number and mobile numbers of the agents have also been added. We are soon coming with great new and more powerful features. Agents ALREADY REGISTERED WITH US CAN LOGIN AND UPDATE THEIR PROFILE. You can upload company logo and you own photos. EVERY AGENT WILL SOON HAVE THEIR OWN PAGE!! WHERE ALL HIS/HER PROPERTIES WILL BE SHOWN. We have *NO CHARGES, NO COMMISSION *policy and ALL ENQUIRIES go direct to you. *This is a free service and with your support we intend to keep it a free service till we can.* Since the launch of this portal many owners and agents are already benefiting from this. We get clients from all over the world looking for properties to rent in Dubai. You have nothing to loose, so hurry up. Regards -- Fantastic real estate opportunities, all in one group: "Dubai Business Bay Properties" Share it with your friends and colleagues. Free to join. Just send your request to us. Visit our group at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Healthy Living with: