On 6/19/07, Mike Cashwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > create the device node in the image, problem solved
> No, as discussed, that just trades a problem on the target (no
> console) for one on the host (habituating the use of elevated
> privileges).
> I understand some security concern for the host system in creating
> these nodes but my frustration is that I'm not targeting the host
> system. I'm doing it for the target. And I can write every file the
> target needs (including its kernel!) as a normal user except for this
> one special file.
> Is it expected that creating a bootable file system (with a working
> console) requires the use of elevated privileges?

No. It happens because you create image by loop-mounting it.

Possible solutions:
* Have prepared empty image with pre-created /dev/cosole, and loop-mount that.
  (Going to be tiny in bz2)
* Find or write tools which can manipulate ext2 (or other fs) image directly
* Use UML.
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