once in a while i happen to do more "real" editing using busybox
vi than usual.  yesterday was one of those days, and i noticed
several bugs, which i fixed, and have committed.

    - if you "/pattern", and then immediately "?" to repeat in
        the other direction (or vice versa) , vi now changes
        search direction correctly

    - the "dot" (i.e. '.') command now properly re-inits its
        buffer between redoable commands.  the command recording
        buffer wasn't being terminated properly, and could end up
        with extra characters at the end, which when "played
        back" could give surprising results.

    - the 'c', 'd', and 'y' commands now properly distinguish
        between both motions that represent just part of a line
        vs. whole lines, and also those that are multiline vs. 
        single line.  among commands that now work correctly are
        "c%" and "2cw", whether the motions span lines or not. 

        also, partial-line backward motions (like 'b', '0', '^')
        no longer include the current character in their action
        span.  (e.g. "db", with the cursor on the 'b' in
        'foobar' will leave 'bar', not 'ar' as it did before.)

    - made a few more motions work with 'c' and 'd':  'l', SPACE,
        BS, and DEL.  (it was trying to use 'c<SPACE>' to change a
        character that got me going on all of this.)

i did enough testing that i'm pretty sure nothing is worse than
it was, but please mention it if you notice that anything bad has

 paul fox, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
busybox mailing list

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