On Sunday 14 March 2010 19:05:48 Denys Vlasenko wrote:
> On Sunday 14 March 2010 19:22, Rob Landley wrote:
> > So, following up on the resounding response to my previous post (from the
> > crickets),
> My response would be "generally I like it, but am too lazy
> to work on it at the moment"...

I was expecting to have to do the heavy lifting myself. :)

> > I'd like to guage the interest in me trying to move busybox towards
> > the toybox infrastructure.  Obviously this would have to be broken up and
> > done in stages, my question is "do you guys agree it's worth doing"?
> I am not sure I want the part which autoscans for *.c files
> (I frequently have extra *.c files lying around).

The scan looks for the specially formatted headers, and if it doesn't find them 
it ignores the file.  Also, if you're working on a command that doesn't build 
at the moment, you can "mv thingy.c thingy.new" and then it'll be ignored 
until you put it back.

Latency is more important than throughput. It's that simple. - Linus Torvalds
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