On Mon, 2010-07-19 at 02:44 +0200, Harald Becker wrote:
> On 17.07.2010 19:12, Christopher Barry wrote:
> > looking for an easy way to capture the current cursor position. found a
> > reference to 'ESC [ 6 n', but not sure how that works.
> >   
> This is indeed the only way to get the current cursor position from an
> ANSI compatible terminal. As soon as the terminal receive this control
> sequence, it answers with a response sequence, which has to be captured
> and translated into what you are looking for ... but that doesn't seam
> to be, what you want.
> The mistake in your assumption is, that terminal screens are not part of
> a main unix computer, like it is on a DOS/Windoof PC. Terminals a
> separate devices, which get connected to an computer. The computer send
> text and special escape sequences to control the behavior of the
> terminal. The Linux virtual consoles just mimic this traditional
> behaviour of terminals. This way the running application (or shell) has
> no access to the actual cursor position.
> A possible resolution to your problem is the following:
> - collect all your text data that should be written to the terminal in
> an variable
> - count the length of actual data in the output variable
> - compare it to the maximum number of columns the terminal has (see
> shell variable COLUMNS)
> - react if the maximum number of columns would be exceeded
> If you need to display your data, before a complete line has been
> collected, you may consider to display the partial row, adding a
> carriage return (not a new line) at the end. This displays the data on
> the terminal and returns the cursor to the beginning of the line. Next
> time the terminal line is overwritten with possibly the same data,
> adding just more at the end. As soon as your next data junk would exceed
> the maximum terminal column, you just need to send a new line to the
> terminal and start a new line capturing internally.
> This was just a brief description of a resolution. The details depend on
> what exactly you want to do. Feel free to ask, if you want to know more
> about terminal behavior, operation and usage (But this is not a busybox
> topic, it's a general Unix console operation topic).
> Tschau
>    Harald

Thank you Harald for an such an informative response. I do appreciate it.


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