On 07/08/2012 03:25 PM, Ralf Friedl wrote:

> What I don't understand is why you even consider some kB significant if
> you have an USB storage device.

the fact that I use USB storage device doesn't means that I have plenty
of room, I have very limited root for the actual boot system.
why I cannot use more room, because my boss said so, these are the

> So it seems that you don't want to do what I suggested.

if your suggestion is to use dnsip, than again, not an option.

> If it is the same binary, as you write, I'm sure you would find that you get 
> the same
> output in both cases.

I'm sure you are sure but in reality that is not the case, I get
different outputs.

> Well, if it's not important for you why you get different outputs from
> supposedly the same program, and prefer to blame it on the DHCP server,
> or the phase of the moon, I don't see why it should be more important to
> other people.
I've found a problem and come up with a solution, I've decided on my free time 
to pitch it to the community so don't be disrespectful

because I'm pretty sure that you would not want some to disrespect you.

as I don't know what is the issue and the systems most probably differ
on the server side but not on the client side, I tend to

> I'll give you one last advice anyway.
> The output of your system 1 looks exactly like the output from
> bind-utils nslookup. So it seems that your system 1 uses a different
> nslookup program.
again, you are not listening...

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