On 10/10/2012 11:29 PM, Manuel Zerpies wrote:
hej john,
i edited less-444/configure, and when i wanted to :wq vi claimed:
"file is read-only".
so i changed the perms in another shell to 755.
retrying :wq yielded the same error again.
after closing vi with :q! and opening it again, i was able to save it.
i had to redo all previous changes of course...
yes. but that is kind of "normal" behavior.
declaring that behaviour as "normal" seems weird, since it is totally
try the following:
$ touch test.txt
$ chmod 444 test.txt
now the file is readonly and you got the situation as mentioned.
it is not relevant whether you use vim or vi
$ vi test.txt
vim shows a red "warning: file is in read only mode!" when i open it.
it immediately jumps into the eye.
is is: VIM - Vi IMproved 7.3 (2010 Aug 15)
busybox vi shows no warning at all.
you could type a long long letter for hours, and when you want to save
it, you are fsck'd.
edit the text file and try to close with ":wq". won't work - as
(other shell)
chmod 755 test.txt
back to vi(m) ":wq" won't work, because you opened the file
readonly. so where is the bug?
wrong, vim shows in red:
E45: 'readonly' option is set (add ! to override)
using :wq! the file gets written to disk, including my changes.
you don't open the file, but the filedescriptor. the file is not
harmed yet. so what you get is a readonly filedescriptor.
this sounds weird, if the editor would show a live view of what is
contained under a fd, it had to write the entire file on every inserted
character, and you had no way of exiting the editor without overwriting.
you definitely have to open the file, buffer its contents (at least
partially), and possibly open it again to write its content.
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