OK, so I have analyzed how a Debian Linux system boots. (Debian 6.0 with
a 2.6.32 kernel, but I don't think it has changed much with newer kernels.

 The process is incredibly bloated - and I strongly suspect other mainstream
distributions are just as bad, if not worse. Those guys do a lot of work
in a pre-init initramfs; work that could easily be done in the real system,
without an initramfs, if only people would realize that "init" is nothing
sacred and can actually be a script that does early stuff before launching
the long-running binary - which is actually exactly what they do, except
they're hiding it in an initramfs as if it was shameful. I'm mentioning it
because I had to dive deep into it to track the information I was looking
for, and unneeded complexity in the boot process is one of my pet peeves.

 The binaries that run as process 1 before /sbin/init (which in my case
is a SysVinit, but it would be the exact same thing with a systemd or
anything else) are:
 * the initramfs shell, which is actually a Busybox shell. (I do not know
whether it's hush or ash.) It is the first actual userspace binary
launched by the kernel.
 * initramfs-tools' "run-init" binary, which acts as a transition
between the /init shell script and the long-running /sbin/init binary.
(Yeah, looks like they didn't manage to perform everything they wanted
in the /init shell script, so they *still* had to insert some C code
there. So much for flexibility and maintainability. Oops, I ranted again.)

 The run-init binary performs no signal handling at all.
 So if a some code performs signal blocking/unblocking between
the kernel and the init process, it has to be the Busybox shell.

 Right before /sbin/init is launched, /proc/1/status shows *no* blocked

 I haven't delved into ash and hush's source, because other people here
will know their internals better than I will, but my conclusion for now
is that it is *very unlikely* that the "initial process 1 sigmask" idea
has anything to do with the problem.

 - Either the Linux kernel passes an empty sigmask to its first userspace
binary (which I strongly believe is the case), and there is no problem
here; as I already said, go investigate tty and job control, where
unholy magicks are at work.
 - Or the Linux kernel passes a nonempty sigmask to process 1; but
then the Busybox shell actually performs active sigmask management, since
when it execs into something else, it has an empty sigmask. So in this
  * either it manages its sigmask correctly from the start, and there is
no problem here - look somewhere else;
  * or it only cleans up the sigmask when executing, and incorrectly
keeps some inherited blocked signals in its main loop. I'll leave the
refutation (or bugfix !) here to the busybox shell experts.

 I'm still interested in hearing Rob on the inherited process 1 sigmask
thing, or even in just pointers to relevant kernel-dev discussions.

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