> Autotools-based can be good or bad for cross-compiling. The biggest
> issue is that lots of people write broken tests that need to run test
> programs to get the results they want.

 As long as there are differences between systems, build-time tests
will be necessary to check for what the system provides and what
needs working around.
 This is the main problem with cross-compilation: build-time tests
only work in the native case. When cross-compiling, there is no way to
automatically figure out what the target flags are.

 The best solution would be to have a centralized, worldwide database
of system-dependent flags and options that any cross-compilation process
could search and extract target information from. Until we have that,
the only clean way to cross-compile is to have the user provide target
sysdeps *by hand*.

 As far as I am aware, autotools do not make that easy. This essential
part of the cross-compilation process is not integrated into the
autotools architecture, which is why I do not consider them a reliable
 I don't know CMake, but my guess is that it does not do that either.

 The busybox KBuild-like system, as difficult to automate as it is, is
a step towards clean sysdeps management. (Part of the reason why it
works is also that it only supports Linux, which gets rid of all
incompatibility problems between different flavours of Unix, and only
leaves machine-dependent issues, which are the easiest to tackle since
the kernel handles most of them.)

 Until there is a database I can automatically extract complete
cross-compilation information from, I will keep maintaining my own list
of sysdeps, and have my users provide the relevant sysdeps values by hand
when they need to cross-compile. 

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