
I have an untypical question today.

How to contact Philips firmware developers?


I bought a Philips TV and there is a small problem with it.

It has neither VGA nor DVI inputs, only HDMI (and a few others,
such as "component video"). This is typical for the recent TVs.

But, of course, there are still many notebooks and PCs which have DVI and VGA
outputs. These outputs have only video signals, no audio.

So to accomodate PCs and notebooks, my TV has an additional
audio input, labeled "Audio in DVI". It's a standard 3.5mm stereo jack.

If I connect my PC (using DVI-to-HDMI cable), TV realises this somehow
(perhaps by looking at HDMI signal and not seeing audio signals there).
Then it plays audio which comes from "Audio in DVI", all is well.

But my other machine, a notebook, has DisplayPort output.
DisplayPort should have audio signal too, but
google says my notebook is not capable of sending audio over its
DisplayPort output.

I tried DisplayPort-to-HDMI cable. Video works, audio doesn't
(as I expected), but when I connect audio output from my
notebook to "Audio in DVI" input, it **does not work too**.
Stupid TV "sees" that video input is not DVI!

I tried to fool the TV by using two cables:
DisplayPort-to-DVI, then DVI-to-HDMI.
No luck.
Audio coming to "Audio in DVI" input still **does not work**.
Stupid TV *still* "sees" that video input is not DVI!

Apparently what can help here is to override these TV "smarts".

I want TV to stop guessing "is it a DVI signal?" and just
force it to use "Audio in DVI" input.

Needless to say, nothing like that can be found in Setup menu.

I talked to Philips support. I have hard time explaining them
that I want to send an email to their firmware developers.
They don't understand me, and as soon as they realize
I have a *feature request*, not a genuinely broken TV,
they shoot me down.

I decided to ask here.
Any ideas how to contact Philips firmware developers?

How would you go about contacting firmware developers in general?
I mean, how to penetrate layers of crappy customer "support"
and reach someone who actually knows something technical?

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