i'am using openwrt with busybox and since a long time
we see, that on some boxes crond silently dies. what
we can also see is a heavy usage of zram-swap in this
situation, but panic_on_oom is enabled (=2).

i read the source of miscutils/crond.c, but cannot
see an obvious reason for this behavior. some exit-calls
are with crondlog(DIE9,...) - but there is no message in log.
(last commit is from 2012-12-10, so it should also apply to trunk)

also if oom would happen, the box should panic (and it does
when i test with 'tail -f /dev/zero'), but this does not trigger,
so it seems there is no oom. (but heavy swap-usage).

one idea is to start crond with 'ulimit -c unlimited',
for getting a crashdump. what else i can do?

bye, bastian
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