
I have compiled Busybox for Android with a 
fully working cron. However, when I try to run crond/crontab, I get the 
following output in the log;

"crond: can't execute '/bin/sh' for user root"

 I have tried all the usual suggestions on the internet e.g. adding PATH
 and SHELL to the cron but to no avail (I can get cron working perfectly
 by symlinking /system/bin/sh to /bin/sh but I do not like this method). 
Is it possible to hardcode a different default shell path into the 
Busybox source for cron to execute e.g. the default /system/bin/sh for 
Android? If so, could you please advise whereabouts in the source this 
change needs to be made?

Many thanks,

Rob Anderson

P.S. My apologies if anything is incorrect, this is the first time I've used a 
mailing list.
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