On Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 2:05 PM, Frank Ihle <frank.i...@hs-offenburg.de> wrote:
> Dear BusyBox,
> due to we consider about using BusyBox on our Embedded System, I have some 
> questions left whose answers couldn't be found on the BusyBox homepage or 
> documentation.
> I hope somebody can give me a bit more information, probably these 
> questions/answers could be put on the BusyBox homepage, since I think that 
> other developers trying to get into touch with BusyBox are interested in 
> these kind of information too.
> Here are the questions:

Most questions are assuming that Busybox is an OS.
Please read http://busybox.net/FAQ.html#whatis

> (1) What is the minimum footprint in flash memory of BusyBox ?

Fully configured busybox (all 350+ applets) on x86 compiles to less
than 1 megabyte.

> (2) Is there a number for the latency to handle events (e.g. interrupt 
> latency) ?
> (3.1) Is there an investigation about power consumption with BusyBox during 
> sleep modes ?
> (3.2) Is there an investigation about power consumption with BusyBox during 
> normal/(full) operation mode?
> (4) Are sleep modes configurable ?
> (5) How many GPIO user out/inputs can be used e.g.: for user interaction 
> (buttons, LEDS, dip-switches ...) ?
> (6) Is there a (stateless/statefull) firewall for BusyBox ?
> (7.1) Does BusyBox provide a Network stack ?
> (7.2) Does BusyBox provide a Bluetooth stack ?
> (7.3) Does BusyBox provide a ZigBee stack ?
> (7.4) Does BusyBox provide a ZWave stack ?
> (7.5) Does Busybox provide a 6LOWPAN stack ?
> (8.1) Due to BusyBox seems to be written in C, is it still possible to 
> execute a C++ application successfully ?
> (8.2) Is it possible to execute a Java application ?
> (9) Can applications be debugged while they are executed on the target ?
> (11) Is remote login to a target possible, that is running with BusyBox? 
> (e.g. with telnet or SSH)

All of the above assume that Busybox is an OS. It is not.
OS provides networks stacks and runs apps.
Please read http://busybox.net/FAQ.html#whatis

> (10) What is the long-term availability of BusyBox? Can it be expected to be 
> available for at least 10 years?

Unless something drastic happens, yes.
The project is popular and will be maintained even if any given
individual developer stops working on it.
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