On Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 12:47:36PM +0300, Pugnator wrote:
>  Hi all,
> I write ncurses based application which utilizes  russian characters. It 
> looks like this:
> wchar_t *unicode_string = L"Это юникод";
> mvwprintw(stdscr,1,5,"%ls", unicode_string);    
> And it works pretty well on my desktop.
> I enabled all UNCIODE_ config options I found
> I enabled terminal: export TERM="linux2.2"
> I copied terminfo into my busybox system (kernel 3.2)
> When I run my application, only ascii is printed. Unicode chars are absent: 
> no garbage or whatever.
> How it can be workarounded if it is possible. Application is dynamically 
> linked and all libraries were transferred too

Busybox has nothing to do with how your own applications behave,
unless they're calling out to the system utilities to do things. I
suspect either your libc (uclibc?) was built without locale/UTF-8
support, or your ncurses was built without wide character support. If
you're using Buildroot or a similar tool, it should offer you the
option to configure these aspects of the build.

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