Hello! I have a quick question about syslogd.
Is there any way to run two instances of syslogd covering range of log levels 
overlapping)? I'm specifically asking about option "-l"

BusyBox v1.21.1 (2014-11-19 20:10:45 CET) multi-call binary.

Usage: syslogd [OPTIONS]

System logging utility
(this version of syslogd ignores /etc/syslog.conf)

        -n              Run in foreground
        -O FILE         Log to FILE (default:/var/log/messages)
        -l N            Log only messages more urgent than prio N (1-8)
        -S              Smaller output
        -s SIZE         Max size (KB) before rotation (default:200KB, 0=off)
        -b N            N rotated logs to keep (default:1, max=99, 0=purge)
        -R HOST[:PORT]  Log to IP or hostname on PORT (default PORT=514/UDP)
        -L              Log locally and via network (default is network only if 

What I would like to achieve is: having a syslogd instance1 that logs locally 
let's say
1-4 and syslogd instance2 that logs 5-8 remotely. Thus a message e.g. level 6 
is not
logged under instance1 but instance2 only.

This can be very helpful for debugging.

Is this possible with the current busybox build? If not can it be considered an
improvement for the next release?

Many thanks!
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