Dear All

We are facing issues in getting DHCPv6 working with udhcpc6. We first
started seeing issue with busy box v1.21.1 where the tool was issuing bootp
protocol later we found out it's bug in the udhcpc6 tool and it's fixed in
the next version of busy box. Hence we upgraded to busy box 1.22 and also
to 1.23. Now instead of seeing bootp protocol we started seeing ICMPv6 and
DHCPv6 protocol being used for getting IPv6 adds when the udhcpc6 tool is
run but still the board doesn't get an IPv6 adds.

*HW and Build:*
iMx dual core processor, Linux kernel 3.10.17, Yocto Dora build environment

Windows Server 2008 configured as DHCP server which will issue IPv6 adds.

*Cross checks:*
A Windows 7 based client system connected to the same server gets an IPv6
adds through DHCPv6.
Our board works fine in an IPv4 environment gets IPv4 adds through DHCP
using udhcpc.
It also gets an stateless auto configured IPv6 adds and we are able to
communicate using this IPv6 address.
We are unable to get a IPv6 adds through DHCPv6.

*Interface file contents*
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet6 dhcp

Do we have to change anything in any configuration files apart from
including the udhcpc6 tool? what are we missing, kindly help us out.
I have also uploaded a wireshark capture when we run the udhcpc6 tool to
the following link
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