On 16.03.2015 08:16, Natanael Copa wrote:
This give me exactly what I am interested in: a hotplug handler that is
fast while keep memory consumption at a minimal during long periods
with no events.

This is the essential of your message, I would give *you* the expected result, but not to everybody else.

What about the ability of logging and debugging purposes? And I don't talk about debugging netlink / mdev / xdev code, I mean debugging kernel device event messages. Your approach would need a separate new piece of code (socket / netlink aware), to handle those, whereas a slightly different approach gives more modularity and compatibility with other Unix tools, e.g.

netlink reader | tee /dev/ttyX | device operation handler

(Yes this is a normal pipe, used in shell scripts, to display all incoming event messages on a specific console).

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