On 5/13/2015 7:45 AM, Mike Yates wrote:
On 11 May 2015 at 20:01, Bastian Bittorf <bitt...@bluebottle.com> wrote:
* Mike Yates <x...@fonehelp.co.uk> [11.05.2015 18:05]:
The command "read" in Busybox v1.23 functions just like in GNU bash but in the
v1.1.1 in my old NAS it keeps complaining of not enough arguments.
what is your exact commandline?

read -p "Enter name: " $name

I have found that the "$" is the issue - Busybox will only accept a
variable name without it, while Bash accepts either, or the null

I think you have some other error in your script giving this illusion. My bash behaves like busybox. As far as I know it has never been possible to "read $foo" and get the value placed into $foo (unless $foo=foo)

$ bash --version
GNU bash, version 4.3.33(1)-release (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu)

$ x=a
$ read $x
$ echo $x
$ echo $a

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