We could say that waiting 6 minutes (using /dev/random) instead of 3
minutes (using getrandom()) is acceptable, but now what if you have 10
soft wanting to do that, /dev/random might block again

 This thread is a dialogue of the deaf and a strawman burning fest, and if
you keep thinking the other party is a noob, keep assuming the problem is
that they're not properly understanding what you're saying, and keep
providing the same references that they know by heart, you will get nowhere
very fast.

 The real issue here is that getrandom() introduces a behaviour that is
*not* obtainable by the filesystem API. Arguably, it's the correct behaviour,
yes; but it still requires the system call - and thus, a new applet. And
historically, the filesystem API (i.e. writing to / reading /dev/random and
/dev/urandom) was supposed to be _all that userspace needs_ to get random
 So the question is, why the heck isn't it possible to rely on the filesystem
API to get the correct behaviour? Why are there two separate entropy pools
for /dev/random and /dev/urandom?

 If there were a single, shared, entropy pool, I could read a character on
/dev/random, and when I get this character, it means there's enough entropy
and then I can read /dev/urandom for the rest of the lifetime of the system.
 Since the entropy pools are separated, and /dev/urandom never blocks, then
I have no simple filesystem API to block until /dev/urandom gets properly
seeded. As you say, I have to rely on the getrandom() system call to do this.

 This is bad. This goes against the current (and, IMHO, desirable) trend of
privileging filesystem APIs over system calls.

 Applications should be able to just read /dev/urandom and not care about all
this. (Except in the case of fd exhaustion, but applications that use
randomness should reserve a fd for /dev/urandom opening, and system-wide fd
exhaustion is a rare issue - and if it happens to you, getrandom() isn't
going to save you, the issue will manifest at some point later.)
 So, I would say the right thing is to run getrandom() once, in the
machine's init scripts, and make sure that all applications that use
/dev/urandom are only run after the unique getrandom() invocation returns.
Yay, a system call that is meant to be used *once* in the lifetime of the
machine. Of course, new applications can be written using getrandom()...
if they forsake portability, thanks Linux.

 All in all, I think your applet is useful, yes. But it is useful *once*,
at boot time; and if Linux cared to refactor the way it handles entropy,
so that /dev/random could be used to block until /dev/urandom is safe, then
your applet (and also getrandom(), because screw fd exhaustion) would not
be needed at all.
 In theory I'd rather fix the problem where it lies, i.e. in the kernel,
but in practice it would imply bringing that up on lkml and wasting a few
months on bikeshedding for a very uncertain result - so instead, as much as
I loathe it, adding a bugware applet to Busybox is a lot easier.

 Everybody now knows exactly what it's about, so please, stop splaining
(and others, myself included, stop flaming); and let Denys arbitrate.


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