Jeremy Chadwick wrote:

"Altscreen" refers to an xterm terminal capability.  Not all terminal
types support this, not to mention not all people want this.

Forgot to mention: I booted into Debian, opened my st terminal
that *has* support for altscreen (in config.h you can disable it though)
and tried both BusyBox and Coreutils less(1). Coreutils' one opened
an altscreen, BusyBox' one didn't.

I understand that many people don't want to have this
(simply by looking at search results), I'm asking if it's possible
to recomplile (or whatever) BusyBox to have it too. For my own only :)

In Debian, login(1), less(1)/more(1), man(1), nvi(1) all start in
an altscreen.

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