Apologies for late response and thanks for everyone who pointed to the behavior 
of let command with zero result. 

Is it possible to test for active option within ash script?
My version of ash does not seem to recognize "test -o" or [ -o errexit ]

Grepping my scripts does not find the -e option set. 
Anyway I'm replacing all let commands to $(()) based on opinion on 
StackOverflow that "let" is not posix-blessed. 

Pavel A. 

> On 17 Nov 2016, at 17:49, Bastian Bittorf <b...@npl.de> wrote:
> * Pavel A <pavel.aron...@gmail.com> [17.11.2016 16:47]:
>> We checked that the script does not contain weird unprintable characters and 
>> other obvious things. Just plain ascii.
> try with 'set -x' ontop of your script and check the last lines when 
> executing it.
> also: does 'sh -n your_file.sh' complains?
> bye, bastian
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