On 02/05/2017 09:10 PM, Kang-Che Sung wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 6, 2017 at 8:52 AM, Rob Landley <r...@landley.net> wrote:
>> What's an archive input that actually fails? What's an example of a
>> processor machine language that doesn't produce 0x80000000 for 1<<31?
>> Where does this actually cause a problem?
> I think at least this silences a "undefined behavior" warning, and that's
> enough for the patch.

So the problem _is_ the warning? There's no real issue, just a noisy

> Sure, many CPU architectures out there use two's
> complement, but that's not mandated in the C standard.

Which is why we have more than one standard: Posix, LP64, LSB, ELF...
Posix requires a machine to handle two's complement here:


Could you give me an example of an architecture from this century that
_doesn't_ use two's complement? The IBM S/360 (introduced in 1964) used
two's complement. The first minicomputer (PDP-8 in 1965) used two's
complement. The first microcomputer (Altair, 1975) used two's complement
(altair basic manual page 28 says so)...

Setting aside the fact that a one's complement machine, which was the
big historical competitor to two's complement binary representation of
negative numbers, would _also_ know that 0x40000000 left shifted one
place becomes 0x80000000 and would just do different things with that
number if you then tried to add or subtract the result, but should
handle boolean algebra just fine.

My question is "do any still exist, let alone have a c99 compiler"?
Even the _historical_ one's complement machines I can find that
straggled into the 1980's (like the CDC Cyber-18) used a 6 bit word, not
an 8 bit word. (Which puts them in violation of C99 section

Here's this question coming up 9 years ago where people found some
checksum formats using it, but no processor ALU doing math in anything
but two's complement:


That links to people asking the same question on usenet's C group in
1993 and nobody back then (25 years ago) could come up with an example
still in use:


Do you know something they don't? What's an example of a machine built
in the last 30 years that _doesn't_ use two's complement?


P.S. Yes I'm aware of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ternary_computer but
A) Setun-70 was more than 40 years ago in Russia and they only made a
couple, B) if you're going there please explain how bit-shift operators
would work in that environment at all.

P.P.S. Yes I once wrote assembly for a "binary coded decimal" machine
back in college, but they had normal binary math modes too (bcd was more
or less like floating point, you used it for certain _kinds_ of
calculations but it's generally not what your for loop iterated on) and
if you're going there please explain how bit shifting happens at all
using bcd instructions or how 30 vs 31 bits would have significance in
that context? If there _was_ a problem on such a machine, how would
typecasting to unsigned fix it?
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