What is the rationale behind not reaping the children when the program exists? i run it from inittab as a respawn process and I get zombies when killing it when not reaping children alas the fix was pretty simple.

 Unless you're running runsvdir as process 1, there's no reason to do
so, because on runsvdir's death, its children will be reassigned to
init, and init will reap those zombies.

 If you're getting zombies when killing runsvdir, then you have
another problem, that is unrelated to runsvdir.

 Note that busybox init sometimes takes one second to reap zombies
(which is what you may have observed). This is a flaw in the design
and cannot be fixed without significantly rewriting it, but it
should not matter for practical purposes - zombies hanging around for
one second is generally not an issue.


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