On 2018-01-03, Jiří Prchal <jiri.prc...@aksignal.cz> wrote:

> Could be, may be I'm absolutely wrong. But when should function
> "nobody_responds_to_arp" bee called, when ip is leased or not? And
> does it make sense to reserve ip for not responding mac?

Whether it "makes sense" could be debated, but that's how DHCP is
defined to work.  When a client request an IP address, the ack from
the server that grants an address contains a "lease time".  The client
owns that IP address until the lease time expires or until the client
sends an explicit release to the server -- the client does not lose
ownership of the IP because it's been rebooted or disconnected

IMO, that does make sense.  It prevents IP address churning as devices
are plugged/unplugged, rebooted, moved around, whatever.

If you want an address to become free shortly after a device is
disconnected from the network, then you need to set your lease time to
a small value.

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