On 1/9/2018 1:53 PM, Laurent Bercot wrote:

Zombies will _always_ be observable, even if you try to reap immediately.

 Of course. I used "observable" in the broad sense, meaning there is a
nonzero amount of time where init is not runnable, won't be scheduled,
and won't immediately reap zombies. This makes zombie observation
literally millions of times more likely than when there's no blocking
path between the moment it gets a SIGCHLD and the moment it reaps the
zombie. :)

But then there's the age-old question of whether you should make edge cases more rare so that they almost never happen, or more frequent so that people can catch their mistakes.

Some years ago, I had a co-worker who was testing our code (C++) on BSD while I was testing on Linux, and he would constantly find my un-initialized attribute bugs, because Linux was zeroing every object allocation (probably just the underlying pages from mmap), but BSD wasn't.  I'm sure the Linux behavior saves people from a lot of random crashes, making development easier, but it leaves the bugs out there in the wild to be run into later.

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