On Mon, 13 Jan 2020 10:30:59 +0000
Ron Yorston <r...@pobox.com> wrote:

> Boris wrote:
> >Sure, to avoid any confusion I would't use the name "Makefile". 
> >"Minimake" sounds clear to me, and the cli `mim`.  
> I like the command name 'mim' (which Merriam-Webster tells me is an
> adjective meaning 'affectedly shy or modest').  By extension I think the
> file should be called 'Mimfile'.  This avoids any misleading reference to
> make.  As Eli correctly points out (and I should have) the script misses
> the main distinguishing feature of make, that it handles dependencies.
> I've tidied up the script a bit.  Its usage is:
>    mim [-f FILE] [SHELL_OPTIONS] [TARGET] ...

Other implementation that converts the "targets" to shell functions:

--- mim --------
sed -E -e '/^[a-z]+:$/,/^$/{
        /^[a-z]/s/:$/() \{/
}' -e '$a for i; do $i; done' Mimfile | sh -e -s "$@"


This will run all specified targets instead of passing options.

(I'm still not convinced it is a good idea to add this to busybox)

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