On Wed, 14 Oct 2020 21:12:28 +0200
Xabier Oneca  --  xOneca <xon...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> > Busybox seems to place its implementation of SELinux's load_policy in
> > /usr/sbin by default. Other (albeit external) utilities, such as semodule,
> > expect to find load_policy in /sbin by default. Would it be possible to
> > move load_policy to /sbin?
> >
> > OpenWrt is among the systems that allow for "alternatives" to the busybox
> > binaries. I think this would work out better in the case of load_policy
> > if both Busybox and policycoreutils placed load_policy in /sbin.  
> Just to give more data points besides OpenWrt:
> In Debain Jessie policycoreutils (v2.3) put load_policy in /sbin, with
> a symlink from /usr/sbin. Debian Stretch (v2.6) and Buster (v2.8)
> dropped that symlink.
> Curious that the package from OpenSUSE Tumbleweed (policycoreutils
> v3.1) still puts it in /usr/sbin.

I think it makes sense to move it to /sbin since there seems to be a
general move away from /usr AFAI have heard.
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