This was a rather misguided reply: busybox already has a TLS implementation. It can either use its extremely minimal implementation, good enough to send and receive data but not good enough to perform any validation, or it can spawn a helper process that calls openssl to handle TLS. These are used by busybox's wget to access HTTPS resources, and without them, wget would become less and less useful as more and more servers require the use of HTTPS.

To answer the original question, no, neither approach is currently supported in busybox's syslogd.

On 13/03/2021 17:52, Mike wrote:
No offense intended, but are you serious? The code bloat from adding tls support would completely invalidate the whole purpose of using busybox in the first place. Surely, if you have the resources (flash, ram, cpu) for any working tls implementation, you could just install ubuntu and get on with it.

On Thu, Mar 11, 2021 at 9:52 PM Puranjay Pradhan < <>> wrote:

    Hi All,

    Does anyone know if TLS is supported in Busybox syslogd ?


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