On Mon, 18 Apr 2022 08:58:10 +0000
rkne...@pm.me wrote:

> > One problem I see in your V2 is that unlike real tree it does not
> > handle multiple paths as command line args:
> >
> > tree dir dir2 dirn
> I will fix that in the next version.
> > Also the use of DT_DIR is problematic as only some filesystems
> > have full support.
> You are right, will fix.
> > 1) correct link handling:
> Will fix it (incl. correct dir/file count for symlinks).
> > 3) It is worth mentioning that by using alphasort
> > as sorting algorithm the output of complex trees
> > is somewhat different in the ordering of files
> > ( for example uppercase , lowercase)
> > as the real tree program.
> Feel free to provide the sorting function. I will include it in the patch.
it is rather complex and big in size I don't think it is busyboxable easily.
(look at the tree source for strverscmp).

> Thanks for the review,
> Roger

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