
Using BusyBox for few years, I've noticed that BusyBox is nowhere near IPv6 ready out of the box.

To give you guys some context, here's what I've found so far.

ifupdown applet only implements these methods(ifupdown.c:535):

   static const struct method_t methods6[] ALIGN_PTR = {
        { "v4tunnel" , v4tunnel_up     , v4tunnel_down   , },
   # endif
        { "static"   , static_up6      , static_down6    , },
        { "manual"   , manual_up_down6 , manual_up_down6 , },
        { "loopback" , loopback_up6    , loopback_down6  , },

Currently, there's not much can be done for IPv6 using /etc/network/interfaces. At first, I tried to use udhcpc6 since udhcpc is the default implementation BusyBox uses. I've found that there's been some progress, but I doubt there's anyone actually using this. The default script shipped with Buildroot has a bug where it deletes IPv4 default routes when executed for IPv6 leases. The following shell function seems to have been written for interop with an external NDP implementation that's only responsible for setting IPv6 default routes.

   wait_for_ipv6_default_route() {
        printf "Waiting for IPv6 default route to appear"
        while [ $IF_WAIT_DELAY -gt 0 ]; do
            if [ -z "$(ip -6 route list | grep default)" ]; then
                printf "\n"
            sleep 1
            printf "."
            : $((IF_WAIT_DELAY -= 1))
        printf " timeout!\n"

This function does not make sense at all when only udhcpc6 is used - the script will always wait because there's no one from BusyBox family that sets default IPv6 routes! If anything, RA is not handled by BusyBox at all. I think involving more than one implementation to configure IPv6 is a bad idea anyways. I wonder what the other program was(that the functions awaits).

And there's this rant of a frustrated dev: https://git.busybox.net/busybox/tree/docs/ifupdown_design.txt

So, my questions being: how do people usually enable IPv6 on their embedded systems? Do they just go on using packages like dhclient and odhcp6c? Is there a motion to make BusyBox's own DHCPv6 and RA implementation? It seems like handling network stack is too much for BusyBox.

References(some of these are ancient):


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