
I was tinkering with a Dockerfile based upon Alpine distro / BusyBox 1.36.1, and I noticed that sticky bits would not be set if I used

# chmod -v u=rwx,g=rwx,o=t ./somefile
mode of './somefile/' changed to 0770 (rwxrwx---)

instead of

# chmod 1770 ./somefile (this works)
mode of './somefile/' changed to 1770 (rwxrwx--T)

the rest of the permissions will get set correctly, only sticky bit will not and only when using symbolic notation.

I checked other distros and it works there. Can someone confirm this behaviour? I checked older versions, too.

Of course there is a workaround like

# chmod -v u=rwx,g=rwx,o=,a+t ./somefile

but it should work also with o=t or o+t.

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