The following leads me to believe that the -F flag should be supported and 

Based on the non-trivial usage comment section from slattach.c:

//usage:#define slattach_trivial_usage
//usage:       "[-ehmLF] [-c SCRIPT] [-s BAUD] [-p PROTOCOL] SERIAL_DEVICE"
//usage:#define slattach_full_usage "\n\n"
//usage:       "Configure serial line as SLIP network interface\n"
//usage:     "\n    -p PROT Protocol: slip, cslip (default), slip6, clisp6, 
//usage:     "\n    -s BAUD Line speed"
//usage:     "\n    -e  Exit after initialization"
//usage:     "\n    -h  Exit if carrier is lost (else never exits)"
//usage:     "\n    -c PROG Run PROG on carrier loss"
//usage:     "\n    -m  Do NOT set raw 8bit mode"
//usage:     "\n    -L  Enable 3-wire operation"
//usage:     "\n    -F  Disable RTS/CTS flow control"

And the command line parsing options below from slattach.c:

/* Parse command line options */
   opt = getopt32(argv, "^" "p:s:c:ehmLF" "\0" "=1",
               &proto, &baud_str, &extcmd

~ Maxwell

From: busybox <> on behalf of Max Pung 
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2024 4:35 PM
To: <>
Subject: Trouble determining what is wrong with my usage of the slattach command


I am working with busybox 1.35.0 on a yocto based embedded linux system. The 
linux system communicates with another microcontroller over a serial RS485 
interface using slip protocol. Part of bringing up the slip network interface 
involves running the slattach​ command. I have added support for the slattach​ 
command to busybox by extending the configuration with CONFIG_SLATTACH=y​ and 
CONFIG_FEATURE_IFCONFIG_SLIP=y​. When I run this comand, it results in the 
usage being printed out, suggesting that I am using the command incorrectly. My 
usage is as follows:

slattach -L -F -p slip -s 115200 /dev/ttyUSB0

The output of running this command is:

Usage: slattach [-ehlLmnqv] [-k keepalive] [-o outfill] [-c cmd] [-s speed] [-p 
protocol] tty | -
       slattach -V | --version

One thing that confuses me here is the flags being printed out by usage do not 
match what is mentioned in the slattach.c​ source file for the busybox 1.35.0 
tarball that bitbake downloads from<,1,jm8j96Uiymz_8muEIj_HgR5Gnqi9i--nZwQKddstScFrGEVfErM-4fgiDrdiEsO0iatStaGswaflP80u-QIbEFKcH-bFCvnRI8xk_QFz4G7odOJwfr4knugM&typo=1>.
 The usage mentioned in the source code suggests that the flags being passed 
above are all supported. Bitbake is not applying any patches or configuration 
changes that should influence this.

I must be missing something. Any idea what that might be?

~ Maxwell

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