Well, the year is over and so is the ARRL Centennial celebration. For those that dabbled and those that were serious, I am sure I speak for most, it was a lot of fun. I started 2 months late (bought my new radio the last week of February) and was not able to get double Worked All States. But, that is okay, I still got Worked All States, Mixed, CW and Phone. I added all the special territories and DC.

By Thanksgiving, I had 7,500 points and was happy with that certificate. Getting another 7,500 points to earn the top certificate at 15,000 seemed almost impossible as it took me 9 months to reach 7,500 points. With concentration on the 100 plus point counters, by Christmas day, I hit 15,000 and today I ended with slightly over 20,000, maybe even 21,000.

Those that I found multiple bands/modes the most were W1VT 7 times, K1RO 9 times, W6SX 6 times and N6JV 8 times. I worked Kay, N3KN, twice and Dave, K1ZZ, 4 times.

I heard N5XZ several times whilest chasing my score and he was way ahead of me in points. I think W1HQ was the hardest to find and work. Until this week, I only worked them once. Last Friday, I found them another time. Today, they were on the most but I was not home to catch the extra points.

All my operating was on 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, 30 meters. My 40m dipole does not seem to work any longer and I am not sure if it is coax or antenna problem. I can hear perfectly, just cannot transmit. That could have got me a lot of night time contacts. My antenna is a Force 12 C4 (10, 15, 20 with the 40m dipole). Go figure how it works on 12, 17, 30 without an external tuner. The magic of electrons.



Bruce Paige, KK5DO
AMSAT Director Contests and Awards ARRL Awards Manager (WAS, 5BWAS, VUCC), VE Houston AMSAT Net - Wed 0200z on Echolink - Conference *AMSAT*
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