..."The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine upon you, and 
be gracious to you; 

the LORD lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace..." 
Numbers 6 24-26 

Jon L. Livingston, Electronics Technician 

17722 Fieldglen Drive ( SE of FM529 & B.Cypress) 

Houston, Texas 77084 


(832)-591-0082 mobile Cellular 

General Radiotelephone license PGGB062294 

CET Wireless Communications WCM-R150251 Amateur Radio license KB0MNM 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Bill Crowell, N4HPG via BVARC" <bvarc@bvarc.org> 
Cc: "Bill Crowell, N4HPG" <n4...@comcast.net> 
Sent: Friday, October 7, 2016 3:44:54 PM 
Subject: [BVARC] Preparing for the worst - and then praying 


At the risk of being trolled. 

All of this talk of war with Russia is making me extremely nervous as nothing 
good can come of it. 

I’m not going to get into the geopolitics of WHY as I’ll surely cause some to 
become angry. What matters IS that it is becoming more possible by the hour. 

I’ve just wrapped a complete, spare station in aluminum foil and I’m suggesting 
this for the rest of the group. The spare HF rig is an Icom 706 so it runs on 
12v. 12v sources will likely survive an EMP. 

Contrary to what we’ve been lead to believe in the movies, a limited nuclear 
attack is possible and survivable. My position is this, if Pearland is “ground 
0”, I won’t care. If the rapture is pre-trib, you can have my stuff. Otherwise, 
surviving and having to deal with the after-effects is disconcerting. 

We all have al-foil. I suggest that you use it. 


I have TVS diodes on their way from Amazon to place on the DC devices and also 
the AC devices. The more the better. Also, series chokes will help. 

I’ll post stuff on my blog: n4hpg.wordpress.com as I don’t think the reflector 
is the appropriate place to put all of the content. 

best 73 

Bill Crowell, N4HPG 
Pearland, TX 
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it’s just the only way.” - Dylan Hunt 

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