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-------- Original message --------
From: Kirk Kridner <> 
Date: 1/28/17  4:51 PM  (GMT-06:00) 
To: 'TDXS Reflector' <>, "''" 
<>, K5HM <> 
Subject: Re: [tdxs-list] FW: [BVARC] Amateur Radio Parity Act IS THE SAME as 
last year's version 

I totally agree with you on all points. There is nothing in this legislation 
that gives hams any real hope of a reasonable compromise with the local 
homeowner associations (HOA) on ham radio antennas. I have been reviewing the 
issues between the HOAs and ham radio operators for years and in my opinion 
this latest legislation will result in the HOAs taking action against existing 
ham stations in the HOA neighborhoods as well as denying new ones. 
As has been noted, there are about 730,000 licensed hams in the U.S., while 
while over 65 million people in the U.S. live in communities controlled by HOAs 
& the HOA number is growing annually. One of the most interesting statistics I 
have noted is that while the novice/technician class licenses were ~20% in 
1985, the technician class licenses are ~50% today. In my opinion the reason 
for that is that many new hams are in antenna restricted communities/locations 
and as a consequence do not feel there is any benefit to upgrading their 
The issue here is whether the new legislation will help the ham radio community 
and this is going to depend upon the cooperation and good faith negotiation of 
the HOAs. One of the primary national HOA associations is the Community 
Associations Institute ( & I encourage everyone to check them out as 
they are not friends of ham radio and they are taking aggressive positions in 
both their lobbying at the Federal and State levels as well providing providing 
resources and information to local HOAs to prohibit any type of external 
antennas. I have also seen many reports where HOAs are pursuing attempts to 
prevent any type of ham radio operation in HOA neighborhoods by restricting ham 
antennas on vehicles in the neighborhoods and requiring the removal of any type 
of stealth antennas that come to the HOA's attention. Accordingly, I feel that 
requiring that hams provide information to the HOAs will only serve to hurt 
hams that are successfully operating stealth antennas today (to the extent that 
a ham operates a stealth antenna without detection is testimony that the HOA 
efforts to shut them down is related solely to use restrictions related to the 
activity (and is an issue in the jurisdiction of the FCC) rather than having 
anything to do with the appearance of the antennas. To get a better insight to 
the position of the CAI, I recommend reading the following white paper 
explaining CAI position on ham radio that was written by a CAI executive and 
legislative action director, who also has a ham radio license:
My point is that the current legislation will place the decisions as to what 
constitutes a "reasonable accommodation" for a ham radio antenna on the HOAs, 
and most HOAs are going to follow the positions taken by the CAI. Can we as 
hams prevail and get approvals from the HOAs under the new legislation if it is 
passed? Possibly, but we can expect significant resistance and many hams will 
be forced to resort filing lawsuits in court against their HOAs to force 
compliance with the law. More importantly, even when the HOAs do negotiate with 
us, the decision of what is a reasonable antenna will be up to the HOA and it 
is a virtual certainty that we will most always be in disagreement with what 
the HOA ultimately determines to be a "reasonable antenna". 
As to your points about the positions by the League, there are other issues 
that are taking place involving what types of operations are eligible for ARRL 
awards, contests, etc., and the lack of many hams to participate due to antenna 
restrictions has given rise to non-owned remote stations accessed via the 
internet. Some of these operations offer premium radios and towers that charge 
either membership and/or usage fees, and there is considerable objection by 
hams with their own 'super stations' to allowing other hams to be eligible to 
obtain awards or win contests by the use of a non-owned station accessed via 
the internet. I also note that there have been proposed revisions to the DXCC 
rules that would limit the use of non-owned remote stations in qualifying for 
DXCC contacts. In my discussions with League executives and board members 
regarding the controversy involving the use of such non-owned remote stations, 
they always change the subject to the HOA restrictions stating that there would 
not be an issue regarding awards & contests using the non-owned stations 
accessed via the internet if we can get rid of the HOA restrictions so that 
everyone can have their own antennas.  
I don't whether that is a factor in the League's lack of a position as you 
note, but regardless I do not think any of it is relevant as even if the 
legislation is passed it still puts the decision as to what is a reasonable 
antenna into the hands of the HOAs and this legislation will not let many hams 
get back on the air.
Kirk KV5Q
Irving, Texas

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