Thanks, Rob!!

Allen R. Brier N5XZ
1515 Windloch Lane
Richmond, Texas 77406-2553
(281) 342-1882 (Home)
(713) 705-4801 (Cell)

-----Original Message-----
From: Rob [] 
Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2018 10:02 PM
To: Allen Brier N5XZ <>
Subject: Re: [QRP-L] FW: Arrl update 17-344 URGENT!

I sent this as plain text...not PDF:

Federal Communications Commission
445 12 th Street SW
Washington, DC 20554

RE: Comments on PSHSB 17-344
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am writing to urge the Commission to dismiss proposals that would permit
wideband digital modes on narrowband HF frequencies.

The following arguments were prepared by Peter S Alterman, W2CDO and were
previously submitted. I fully support these arguments.

The particular issues that make wideband modes in narrowband HF frequencies
incompatible with all other services, especially during emergencies are:

Impede, Rather than Improve Emergency Communications:
Unattended wideband modes, e.g., Winlink, require expensive equipment at
both ends of the communications path. This equipment is available through a
single manufacturer. This limits the number of stations that can deploy such
a mode during an emergency.

  On the other hand, most amateur radio
stations on either side of a communications channel during an emergency have
the necessary equipment, available from a wide variety of manufacturers (and
even home brewed equipment) to successfully communicate.

Not Efficient: Winlink wideband modes are not efficient. They consume
limited HF frequencies dedicated to narrowband communications. In fact,
these modes have a bandwidth footprint that is comparable to SSB voice
bandwidth and therefore would be better located within those subbands, if

Encryption: Winlink modes are encrypted modes. Encrypted transmissions are
explicitly forbidden by Part 97.
  More germane at this point in time is that the Defense, Intelligence and
Law Enforcement authorities of the United States aggressively oppose any
expansion of encrypted communications of any sort and this position is a
vexed issue at the highest levels of government.

  A corollary argument that has
been put forward regards a putative need for encrypted communications to
satisfy HIPAA privacy communications requirements. The Centers for Medicare
and Medicaid Services, DHHS, which is responsible for HIPAA regulation and
the Office of Civil Rights, DHHS, which is responsible for policingHIPAA
compliance, do not classify amateur radio communications as Covered Entities
under HIPAA.
  That means that such communications when used to exchange data regarding a
patient are not subject to HIPAA regulations or the Privacy Act regarding
protection of personally identifiable information. Any argument made on
these grounds should be immediately dismissed as misleading.

Unavoidable Harm to Thousands of Active Operators: Winlink, indeed any
unattended mode, interfere with ongoing narrowband communications in HF.
This also is a violation of Part 97 regulations governing the behavior of
amateur communications. Narrowband communications modes are not compatible
with the bandwidth demands of wideband digital modes. Tens of thousands of
amateur radio operators will be unavoidably harmed if unattended and
wideband digital modes are allowed free rein in narrowband HF frequencies.
This is clearly not in the best interests of the amateur community.

Unnecessary Regulation: Finally, the Commission has the authority to direct
waivers and special permissions to allow or disallow any communication and
mode anywhere within the amateur frequency allocations during times of
emergencies. There is no need for a regulation giving special privileges
sought by special interests advancing their monopolistic mode on the basis
of emergency communications service.

Robert Roomberg KB3BYT

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