Question for the K3 / K3s owners

I have come up with a Heil Pro Set Elite IC to use with the KARS K3s for Field day.  Since this rig is normally a a remote site, it never has a microphone or headset attached.

I think I have two options:

1) Plug the headset and microphone into the 1/8 jacks on the back, but will need to come up with a 1/4 to 1/8 adapter to plug the foot switch into the rear PTT port.

2) Use a Heil Sound Headset Adapter Cables AD-1-K. This plugs into the eight pin round mic jack. The foot switch and microphone plug into this adapter, and the headset uses the phone jack (will need to find my 1/8 to 1/4 adapter)

Does anyone have an extra AD-1-K or an adapter to go from 1/4 down to 1/8?


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